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Quick Pay Options

Not recurring payments? Pay-as-You-Go.
Invoiced? Pay here


CashApp me

Cash App® uses advanced security features to make payments privately and securely.

Cashtag: $ogunlogan

Zelle me

Zelle® is trusted by your bank, Go to your bank app and Zelle the money. It is a fast, safe and easy way to send and receive money with friends, family and others you trust.

Send to: 727-242-4978
Chase, WellsFargo, Truist..

Venmo me

Venmo is all about making life simple and transactions hassle-free.

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Apple Cash me

Use Apple Cash to send and receive money with people you know.

iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch
Send via iMessages app

PayPal me

PayPal is the faster, safer way to send and receive money or make an online payment.


Payment Options

Upfront, non refundable deposit of 1/2 price is due on project start.
Remaining balance due upon project completion/approval.
Wire transfer is the fastest and preferred method for the payments.

Wire Transfering
Routing #031176110
Account #36026829974
Business Name: WEBDESDEV, LLC.

** If paying by check, please mail it to the address listed in your Web Design Contract.

* PayPal has a fee for receiving payments: 2.9% + $0.30.

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