
Guidelines for SEO Content Writing

Providing us   quality website content

Please provide us the quality content for your webpages and products. See below the guidelines and what to avoid while writing the content.


Meta Title Description 

SEO titles and descriptions allow you to influence how your web pages are described and displayed in search results. Providing unique meta descriptions that is explicit and contains your most important keywords, is important.

Image link
What to do
What to do

- Know your audience and write for them.
- Write long, unique content.
- Use related words, focus keyword(s).

⚠ Character Length
⚠ Character Length

Meta Descriptions are limited to 147 characters including spaces, Meta Titles are 65.

Going over this length will result in your meta being truncated in the search results, which means users won’t see any content after the cut-off.

Things to avoid
Things to avoid

- No keyword stuffing
- No duplication


Image Alt Text (Tag) 

For your images, giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive. It’s important to make your Alt Text concise and descriptive, but keep it under 140 characters. There is no need to begin the Alt Text with phrases like “image of”, “graph of”, or “photo of”, as screen readers will automatically identify the file as an image and inform the user to know for you.

Image link

Blog Article (Post) 

Submit a Post

There are many topics in content marketing open for debate, but few have been as elusive to evidentiary proof as the length of the “perfect” blog post. To some, the longer a blog post the better, and there’s a clear argumentative case for it; more words in an article mean more “guts” for web crawlers and readers, and indicate that an article is thorough and in-depth.

Image link

The average 1st result on Google has a blog length of 1,500 words.
Longer posts (2,000 words+) tend to rank higher and more readily appear in the top 10.
Longer content can actually hurt your rankings, especially when content is not “on point” and fails to nail search intent for users.

Homepage Content

You want it to be simple and to the point. You should be keyword conscious and make an attempt to rank for certain keywords. Ideal homepage content length may vary, it’s impossible to calculate an exact word count that achieves the “best of both worlds” for search engine and user experience optimization. It requires tests and updates down the road. However, from hundreds of iterations and client tests, we have found that the best length for homepage content is with the optimal falling somewhere in the middle 400 to 600 words. We would recommend to keep it at least 1000 words on all your web pages.


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