

Web Analytics metrics & dimensions

Analytics tool offers insight into the traffic patterns of your website

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Gain Insight

What is the most engaging page on my website?

Where am I seeing the most traffic from?

What are my most popular/engaging pages?
How many visitors came to my site?

When are the users most active?

Which devices and browsers are my users viewing my site from?

  • Sessions

    The number of sessions that began on your website or application.

    A session is a period of time during which a user interacts with your website or app.

    A session initiates when a user either:

    • Views a page or screen and no session is currently active (e.g. their previous session has timed out)
    • Opens your app in the foreground

    By default, a session ends (times out) after 30 minutes of user inactivity. There is no limit to how long a session can last.

  • Sessions per User

    The average number of sessions per user.

  • Total Users

    The number of unique user IDs that triggered any events.

    The metric allows you to measure the number of unique users who logged an event.

  • New Users

    The number of new unique user IDs that logged the first open or first visit event.

    The metric allows you to measure the number of users who interacted with your site or launched your app for the first time.

  • User Engagement

    The length of time that your app screen was in the foreground or your web page was in focus.

  • Engagement Rate

    The percentage of sessions that were engaged sessions.

    Engagement rate = engaged sessions / total sessions

  • Event Count

    The number of times users triggered an event.

  • Bounced Rate

    The percentage of sessions that were not engaged sessions.

    Bounce rate = not engaged sessions / total sessions

  • Sessions Type & User Source

    The source that was associated with the start of a session, such as Organic search, Organic Social, Paid search, or Direct 

    A source from which traffic originated. For example, users who return to your website from Google Search show as “google” in the User Source.

    Examples include “google”, “youtube”, “gmail”,  etc.

  • Device Category

    The type of device from which user activity originated. Device categories include ‘desktop’, ‘mobile’, and ‘tablet’.

  • Browser

    The browser from which user activity originated. Typical browsers include ‘Chrome’, ‘Firefox’, ‘Safari’, ‘Edge’, and ‘Opera’.

  • City

    The city from which user activity originates.

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User Sessions

Session: This data targets hits that happen in a single session across a single user’s experience.

User: User data can contain multiple sessions and hits as it follows the actions of a user over multiple periods.

Hit: A hit is anytime a user takes action on your site. This is tracked with a cookie.


Bounce Rate %

A bounce is a single-page session on your site. In Analytics, a bounce is calculated specifically as a session that triggers only a single request to the Analytics server, such as when a user opens a single page on your site and then exits without triggering any other requests to the Analytics server during that session.

Bounce rate is single-page sessions divided by all sessions, or the percentage of all sessions on your site in which users viewed only a single page and triggered only a single request to the Analytics server.